GDMA-winners-2012 are certain
STEMA was there with a pavilion and brand new motorcycle transporters. The hydraulically lowerable trailer WOM was also there. The Big Dresden Motorcycle Tour attracted thousands of bikers to Dresden like it does every year.
STEMA was there with a pavilion and the brand new motorcycle transporters. The hydraulically lowerable WOM trailer was also there. The Great Dresden Motorcycle Drive attracted thousands of bikers like it does every year.
6. Mai: Great Motorcycle Drive Dresden (GDMA) 2012 - STEMA was there!
Meeting Place Elbepark Dresden, 9:00 am.
WOM - easy loading by STEMA
STEMA was there with a pavilion und the brand new motorcycle transporters.
The hydraulically lowerable WOM trailer was also there. Whoever wants to rent or buy a motorcycle trailer for their biking holiday has come to the right spot! The team from in Grossenhain advised visitors there or via telephone under the number 03522-50 81 68.
Teamplayer: STEMA and R.SA
Radio RSA Sachsen STEMA and R.SA are a strong team at the “Great Dresden Motorcycle Drive 2012”. The popular R.SA radio DJs "Böttcher & Fischer" entertained everyone this year like always before, around, and during the 80 km-long biker drive.
STEMA was there and raffled off a high-quality motorcycle transporter during the Morningshow during the week of April 30th to May 4th.
GDMA-Winners 2012 are:
The motorcycle transporter MT 850 BS2valued at 1,100 € goes to Andreas Helm from Burgstädt.
One wheel holder rocker “Stand alone” valued at 110 € goes to Steffen Claus from Grimma and another goes to Matthias Sölle from Dresden.
Congratualtions and have a good trip, Wishes the STEMA-Team.


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