100 km/h regulation
Find out here if your trailer is equipped for a speed of 100…
Notices about purchasing a new trailer that should be driven with 100 km/h.
In general, the speed limit of 80 km/h for car + trailer combinations applies in Germany. Thanks to an exemption regulation (9th AusnVO), it is possible to register trailers for 100 km/h and to drive on freeways and highways if the legal conditions for this are met.

With every STEMA trailer you receive an EU declaration of conformity (COC). This states the maximum speed of the trailer types at 100 km/h - but this alone is not confirmation that the trailer can be approved for 100 km/h without further ado. It could be that technical extensions and an expert assessment may be required! Please ask your STEMA dealer for more information. (Status 11/2013)
You, as a road user, must always be informed for the current legal situation and any changes therein prior to driving domestically and internationally.