About us
STEMA - the trailer
STEMA is one of the leading German manufacturers of universal car trailers and transport solutions. For over 70 years, transporters for the professional and DIY segment, as well as for the sports and leisure sector, have been manufactured in Grossenhain, near Dresden. With approximately 40,000 car trailers per year, today STEMA is one of the leading manufacturers in Germany. In addition, we manufacture about 32,000 flat and high covers for trailers in our own sewing shop.
Our product range encompasses more than 350 individual trailer models.
The continual further development of the product and service portfolio, as well as that of the company structure, has lead to the growth of our company, trailer by trailer. Today large box trailers with lengths of up to 6 meters, three-sided dump trailers, and transporters for construction machinery, motorcycles and cars are securely embedded in the STEMA brand. The successes are based on the high quality demands of our around 150 employees. Our customers have especially trusted our employees’ honesty and the down-to-earth attitude for many years. It is only possible to continually work on innovations and to surprise the market with new solutions with such a leap of faith.
Numbers & Facts
manufactured trailers since 19690
manufactured car trailers per year0
trailer covers produced per year0
Record quantity per month0
Employee / Employees0
ApprenticesOur company history
The history of STEMA is closely connected with our city of Grossenhain and the people who live and work here. The citizens of Grossenhain are really down-to-earth and hard-working people. Only 35 km from the capital city of Dresden, Großehhain belongs to Saxony. But it is only half as far away from Brandenburg. In this way, Grossenhain and also the history of STEMA are a melting pot that reflects prosperity as well as destruction and hard work. After the decline of the local textile industry, STEMA is one of the largest employers in the city, and many generations in the last 70 years connect their own private timelines with our company.
A war leaves behind widows and orphans.
There was a great hardship at the end of World War II. Grossenhain grieves for the 751 fallen and missing in action soldiers. The war left behind many widows and orphans.
Warmth for all
Under Soviet occupation the state-owned company VEB STEMA Ofenbau is founded. The first transportable tiled stoves and washing boiler stoves are produced in the former castle in the old town of Grossenhain. Later, transportable kitchen stoves are added. First production site is the castle of Grossenhain.
What does the name STEMA mean?
The name stood for the abbreviation "STanz- und EMAllierwerk” (punching and enamelling plant). Enamel is a single or multicoloured, glass-like enamel coating which was applied to the metal surfaces of the wash boilers. The logo shows the chimney of Grossenhain Castle.
Room of setting stove
Clay mixture in crafstmanship
Until 1954, the clay mixture for the ovens was mixed by hand with great effort. Then there was a mechanical clay mixer that worked until 1990.
Oil-fired enamel furnace
Industrial production
Due to the gradual industrial production, the number of employees increased. In their free time, the colleagues met to go dancing. In addition, the company had a library, an amateur drama group, a dance group and a choir.
confined production hall for washing boilers
The structural and technical requirements are getting more complicated. One is looking for a new production location.
Promotionally effective
The new logo (the logo image was the chimney of the old furnace building in the castle) and the attractive woman in flower-white clothing set the scene for the new coal-fired washing boiler with outlet function. As an enamelling company with four electric enamelling furnaces, we now manufacture and enamel portable washing boiler furnaces with and without outlet, as well as washing boiler furnaces with gas heating and front plates of the coal-fired furnaces.
The new home is the former oilcloth factory in Waentig
Großraschütz is a district of Grossenhain, which is more reminiscent of a village, in which the large old factory building stands out enormously. During World War II, not only oilcloth was produced here, but also material for protective capes and gas masks.
22 years after the end of the war
22 years after the end of the war, only the facade of the mighty industrial building is still standing, and is itself even greatly in need of renovation.
Transportable kitchen furnace
This transportable kitchen furnace was produced in 1967.
Hard labor
The work of the boilermakers and enamellers was very difficult, and especially the for setters who had to put the pre-assembled washing boilers inside with 42 refractory firebricks by hand. From 1968 onwards, they could enjoy a significant relief in their work thanks to the mechanical spraying system.
Demolition of the castle chimney
Demolition of the castle chimney. The chimney in the tower of the old STEMA furnace building, which served as the model for our logo, was torn down on April 10, 1969.
Initiative is in demand
The STEMA workers created the dining hall with attached kitchen in the Großrraschütz industrial building with their own hard work.
The electric washing machine takes over the market
From 1960 on, the electric washing machine conquered private households and slowly but surely ousted the washing boiler. New ideas are needed.
Crazy-for-camping designers build the first STEMA car trailer
The then technical director Lamprecht and chief designer Zinsky were, like many GDR citizens, passionate camping enthusiasts. Unfortunately, the cars are often too small to transport all the camping material to the campsite. So it was more or less during the designers' leisure time that the idea of a multi-functional car trailer was born.
The trailer was discovered during a governmental inspection
During a state inspection of STEMA by the district director, the trailer is discovered on the STEMA premises. While still on his way home from Grossenhain to Dresden, he orders STEMA to continue with the trailer construction.
The first car trailer leaves the assembly line
In order to increase the "supply level" of the GDR population during these years, the government ordered the state production of consumer goods. In the same year, the first STEMA trailer leaves the assembly line and is presented at the Expovita autumn fair.
The trailer series production starts
A development was started and in 1970 a pilot series, as well as the first series of trailers were produced in the amount of 1,825 units. Already 80 trailers were produced parallel to the production of washing boilers. VEB STEMA becomes the main manufacturer of the HP-series "high loader flatbed trailers".
HP 280/11-1
Further development of the 280/11-1 with higher loading volume, 4-hole disc wheel and cross-pivoting axle
The employees - our STEMA family
The Christmas party for the employees' children is a highlight. In addition, the employees had access to various company holiday properties, such as bungalows at Motzener Lake in Brandenburg. Here they could spend their holidays with their families at a reasonable price.
New development and test of the HP 350
The underbody view shows the new elaborate trailing arm axle construction, which of course came to the test of the automotive industry in Karl-Marx-Stadt (today Chemnitz) and successfully passed.
Car transporter as foreign exchange earner
In order to buy abroad, the GDR-Mark could not be used as a means of payment, so the state needed convertible currencies, such as the D-Mark or US dollars. These currencies were earned by exporting GDR products. The STEMA trailers were also among them. Per trailer, the German Democratic Republic earned about 350 D-Marks as foreign currency.
In the East HP, in the West “Rolls Royce”
Other countries were France, Denmark, Switzerland and of course West Germany, where the STEMA trailers were sold under the brand names POUCH and PINTO. The Dutch buyer, company Stahl, gave the HP "Pinto" model great recognition by calling it the "Rolls Royce" of this trailer class.
The first 62 trailers go to Belgium
In the interim, STEMA exported to ten non-socialist economic area countries. That was about 68 percent of all orders. In 1974, the first 62 trailers were exported to Belgium.
STEMA trailers were built in Trebbin also
STEMA was appointed "article control group" in the GDR. For STEMA, it meant that production in Grossenhain was mainly for export to non-socialist economic area countries, and that trailers were also produced in Trebbin, for example, on the basis of STEMA's design documents.
Version development HP 350.01
The HP 350.01 is being further developed. Various poly lids, including roof racks, various galvanised sheet metal lids and high covers with a pitched roof complete the product.
HP 400.01 - 50.000 km in a road test
The annual production is 10,911 car trailers. With this trailer, the product range was purposefully expanded, and a completely newly designed chassis was used. The good ratio between total weight to tare weight, the new transverse longitudinal beam axle and the progressive rubber suspension spoke for the HP 400.01. This was also proven by the 50,000 kilometer road test, which the trailer had to survive without breaking the frame, and of course passed with flying colors.
Overlay due to problems of transport
In Grand Detour, Illinois (USA), hört der Schmied John Deere von den Sorgen der Farmer, dass der schwere, klebrige Prärieboden an ihren eigentlich für den leichten, sandigen Boden im Osten der USA entwickelten Pflüge aus Gusseisen hängen bleibt. Daraufhin fertigt Deere aus einem schadhaften Sägeblatt eine Pflugschar aus hochpoliertem Stahl.
Wooden trailer
The HP 401.01 C was the first wooden trailer of the series that was always developed further throughout the years.
The yearly production is 17,300
The HPs are produced with heavy eccentric presses. The production depth is almost 100 percent. The company even produces the rims itself at this time, and the trailers receive a glossy finish in its own paint shop.
Installation of the 315-ton eccentric press
The plant includes a carpentry workshop, toolmaking, a sheet steel hall with guillotine shears, sheet metal forming with the new 315-ton eccentric press, chassis assembly, a paint shop with substrate preparation and neutralisation plant, and later a spraying booth and infrared drying.
Fair - Medals for STEMA trailers
The gold medals of Leipzig Fair existed until 1990 and were awarded by the Office for Goods Testing for exhibited top products. They were not only reserved for socialist exhibitors. The quality, performance and design of a product were evaluated. STEMA received the medals several times for its trailers.
Heavy press
Cutting of the steel sheet and reshaping with the help of the 315-ton press
CO² welding
Resistance spot welding of trailer parts, CO² welding of the frame
Infrared drying
Painting and infrared drying of the trailer lid
2,300 GDR-Marks for a trailer!
Queuing, bartering and self-sufficiency were part of everyday life in the GDR. This is precisely why the trailer was in demand. Nevertheless, one also had to wait up to 7 years for a STEMA trailer. A HP 401 cost between 1,600 and 2,300 GDR-Marks. An average GDR earner with an income of 500 - 600 Marks had to save for a very long time to buy one. The annual production was 21,011 car trailers.
New management
Ekkehard Neumann takes over senior management.
The end of an era
In Grand Detour, Illinois (USA), hört der Schmied John Deere von den Sorgen der Farmer, dass der schwere, klebrige Prärieboden an ihren eigentlich für den leichten, sandigen Boden im Osten der USA entwickelten Pflüge aus Gusseisen hängen bleibt. Daraufhin fertigt Deere aus einem schadhaften Sägeblatt eine Pflugschar aus hochpoliertem Stahl.
The peaceful revolution and the trust
The economy of scarcity was not only felt by STEMA employees. In 1989 there was a peaceful revolution by committed GDR citizens. It set in motion an irreversible turnaround. The state-owned companies, which included STEMA, were taken over by the Treuhandanstalt (Trust Agency) with the aim of privatisation according to the principles of the social market economy. The annual production was 16,811 car trailers.
Special transport
Loading on special transporters on February 23, 1990
STEMA will be privatised
After the reunification of Germany on October 3, 1990, STEMA was largely able to be sold to private investor Dr. Friedrich-Karl Schieferdecker and was privatised on April 4, 1991.
Deep cut for the employees
Major restructuring took place to make the company competitive. Entire production lines were modernised and new technologies were installed. In the course of this, the workforce had to make major cuts. The number of employees fell from 250 to 60.
Renovation and expansion of the factory
At the same time, a large sum of investments were made for the renovation of the old industrial buildings and the site structure in order to make the company competitive. Annual production fell, but to 8,864 car trailers.
ALPENKREUZER - the brand for tent trailers
The so-called folding caravans, a car trailer with a fold-out house tent, comfortable mattresses and a built-in kitchenette, were produced by STEMA for the brand "ALPENKREUZER" completely, i.e. including sewing of all tents. In 2011, the last models left the factory for the company SK Camping. Afterwards the tent sewing was stopped.
Horse trailers - a new market
As of 1993, STEMA could expand its product portfolio to include horse trailers and conquer the new market segment it doing so. The PT 2000 was the first of its series back then.
DIY takes over the market and STEMA takes over DIY
With the HP 750 trailers, which had been on sale since 1991, STEMA hit the nerve of the times and entered the emerging business of the DIY markets. Annual production doubled in two years to 16,686 car trailers.
30 percent of the market share in Germany
After only six years, STEMA was able to achieve a market share of 30 percent throughout Germany! Especially in the low weight classes of car trailers, STEMA opened up the market for private households. The annual production rose to 24,568 car trailers.
First-time certification for STEMA according to DIN ISO 9001
Yearly production grows
The yearly production continues to grow and is now at 43,749 car trailers.
Trailer 2000 - They pull something off - motorcycles too
STEMA is readjusting its marketing measures. The little elephant will be the new figurative mark of the new trailer series. STEMA has discovered motorcyclists to be the new target group.
Number of employees climbs to 277.
STEMA is growing and expanding its number of positions to 245 employees and 32 apprentices.
Additional STEMA factory in Hungary
On April 3, 2001 the first trailer rolled off the production line at the Kecskemèt plant of STEMA Kft. The plant is designed to prevent long transport routes to eastern sales areas. The official and ceremonial handover of the plant took place in Kecskemét in June 2001 with the participation of the mayors of Kecskemét and Grossenhain.
Everything will be easier!
In order to increase the level of awareness of the company, the management decided on a "new face". The claim “Everything will be easier!” stands for customer proximity and the company's services.
New foyer
Renovation of the STEMA administration building with a new entrance design
Opening of the cultural center in Castle Grossenhain
After the STEMA moved out of the castle in 1967, the castle became increasingly dilapidated. Unresolved ownership and disuse did the rest. It is all the more beautiful that it was awakened from its slumber in 2002 during the State Garden Show and is now available to the town of Grossenhain as a cultural center.
The Oskar for the middle class
The joy was great on September 13, 2003 in the Chemnitz Stadthalle. More than 200 companies of the Saxon economy had gathered here in the evening for the award ceremony. Since 1997 STEMA was nominated for the 7th time and won the Oskar for the first time.
Panther - a design study
The new STEMA car trailer is called "Panther" and is supposed to be reminiscent of the suppleness of a big cat. The plastic finish protects the wrapping at the edges during loading and unloading operations and rounds the corners of the model. The cladding is part of a newly designed plug-in system and allows the trailer to be converted or extended effortlessly in just a few steps. However, the disproportionately higher price of the Panther cannot be placed on the market.
35 years of trailer construction
On the occasion of its anniversary, STEMA organized an open house. Special highlights were the handing over of several bicycles and a donation cheqck to the children's home in Walda, as well as the commissioning of the 8 newly-installed workplaces for handicapped persons in the pre-assembly department to the future employees.
Yearly record high
The yearly production of car trailers grows to a record high of 56,440 and an additional 7,668 in Hungary.
Paul & Paula - Motorhome for a low price
A small caravan at an affordable price, that was the dream of Funke & Will AG. The small camper was to be available in two versions. Whereupon the brand Paul & Paula was created. STEMA invested in this project for a short time. When Funke & Will proved to be an unreliable cooperation partner, STEMA withdrew from the project.
New concepts are in demand
Wolfgang Schmid will take over the management of STEMA on November 1, 2005. The stagnation of the trailer business in the DIY segment requires new concepts and unfortunately also the cutting of many jobs. The annual production drops by 10,000 car trailers.
Investment in new Revolver stamping machine
STEMA is at the cutting edge of punching technology with its new turret punching machines. The turret punching machine C6 with CNC control enables processing times that are 2.5 times shorter than before. A new constellation provides for the higher feed and cutting speeds.
BLEU MAN - STEMA adds some color
True to the motto "Design is art that makes itself useful", the STEMA team developed further ideas. One of these series is the BLUE Man camping trailer. The play on words of its name can be found in the sapphire blue powder coating and in the decoration with Hawaiian flowers.
STEMA wins the Dresden Marketing Price
STEMA Metalleichtbau GmbH receives the 12th Dresden Marketing Prize for a comprehensive reorientation, the relaunch of all marketing measures based on a fundamental market analysis. Managing Director Wolfgang Schmid and Marketing Director Daniela Mätzelt (now Koch) accepted the prize on 14 December 2006 in a ceremony.
Customer survey confirms very good service
"You feel like you're part of the family." With these and similar statements, 85% of STEMA's specialist dealers confirm "good to very good" service. STEMA is continuing to expand its range of products for specialist dealers and is taking part in the INTERMOT in Cologne for the first time.
STEMA receives the DEKRA Certificate for all STEMA vehicle parts
New management
On January 16, 2008, Michael Jursch, Graduate Engineer - Mechanical Engineering, will take on the executive leadership of STEMA.
Unbeatable record - 8,000 trailers in May 2008
STEMA delivered 8,000 trailers within one month.
First-time presentation of SySTEMA
At the international STEMA House Fair, the new STEMA line will be presented for the first time. The STEMA Dealer Awards will also be presented.
1 million trailers!
40 years after starting trailer production, the company produced its one millionth trailer in 2009. The head of the Federal Chancellery, Federal Minister Dr. Thomas de Maizière, handed over the donated trailer to the Albert Schweitzer Children's Village in Moritzburg. The Dresden Eislöwen were also guests and gave an autograph session.
New high shelves
You can look up to them at 6.50 m - the new high racks in the production hall of STEMA Metalleichtbau GmbH. Starting now, the assembly parts for the SySTEMA series are to be stored here.
SySTEMA enters series production
The modular building block system "SySTEMA" goes into series production - a flatbed system for single and double axle trailers with different superstructures and a total weight of 750 to 3500 kg. The advantage: it enables a quick reaction to customer requirements, no matter which accessories the customer wants.
Opening of the first TRAILER-DIRECT.de trailer center
On Saturday, October 2, the new STEMA Trailer Center "Trailer-Direct.de" in Grossenhain will open its sales exhibition. With around 1,300 square meters of presentation area, 500 square meters of which are covered, it is one of the largest trailer centers in Saxony. More than 60 models, from motorcycle and car transporters to box, cargo, garden and camping trailers, as well as trailer accessories, are presented on the sales areas.
1.8-million investment
Total investment volume of 1.8 million Euros in the last 3 years - the redesign of the sheet metal production hall and the construction of the new loading ramp in Grossenhain are nearing completion. This will further optimise the company's processes.
360 STEMA trailers for Europe’s Cultural Capital “Ruhr 2010”
STEMA is the official sponsor of the project “Schachtzeichen" (shaft signs), which is taking place as part of the Capital of Culture "Ruhr 2010". The aim of this project is to visually mark a part of the former shafts in the Ruhr area, where once over hundreds of thousands of people worked. The Grossenhain-based company is supplying 360 specially designed STEMA trailers for these so-called "shaft signs"
The new all-around motorcycle transporter is here
STEMA presents the new "SySTEMA Motorbike Trailer" series for the first time at the INTERMOT. They lie well on the road and are comfortable for loading and unloading due to their deep loading areas. Side walls and high covers can be put on optionally, so that on the one hand the motorcycles are protected from the weather, but on the other hand other cargo can be moved as well.
Strong trailers need a strong brand
With the entry into the market segment of larger and heavy specialist trade trailers, the brand image of STEMA is also changing and becoming much more self-confident. The focus is on STEMA's core competence - the production of high-quality and durable trailers.
60 years of STEMA
On the occasion of this anniversary, STEMA is putting out a very special trailer series: 60 car trailers with a white, high-gloss powder coating
Motorcycle Fair Dortmund 2011
In addition to the expansion of the entire specialist trade product range, STEMA is and remains the market leader in the area of motorcycle transporters.
An an expansion course
The subsidiary “TRAILER-DIRECT.de" is opening three more branches in Uelzen, Leipzig and Nuremberg.
WOM - Best trailer of the year
"Easy loading by STEMA" - Enthusiasm in the world of motorsports: the tedious loading of heavy motorcycles or other machines has now come to an end. The WOM makes it possible. The car trailer is completely lowered to ground level, so that you only have to drive up. Heavy pushing over steep ramp angles was yesterday.
STEMA is presenting itself for the first time with a wide range of professional transporters and construction machinery transporters at the "Demopark 2013" - the largest gardening and landscaping fair in central Germany.
The new top model from STEMA
The STEMA aluminium transporter is the new face in the product range. Developed with users and professionals, it is equipped with many technical highlights & sophistication. The patented aluminium seal prevents sand and bulk material from trickling out unintentionally.
Harley Davidson Charity Run
“Loud for the quiet – strong for the weak“ was the motto of the 2nd HARLEY DAVIDSON Charity Run in Dresden on April 20th. As the largest manufacturer of motorcycle transporters, STEMA has grown close with the Harley Club over the last few years. STEMA also donated for cancer-stricken children, who are in the care of Sonnenstrahl e.V.
Grossenhain is host to the “Day of Saxons”
As the largest employer in Grossenhain, STEMA will be a gold sponsor for the “Day of Saxons” and is getting heavily involved in the organisation and the parade.
Edges and stamps up to 8 meters in length
STEMA is investing 2.1 million euros in new technology. Two new edging machines from the manufacturer LVD and an automatic CNC punching machine from Trumpf are being installed. The increased demand for new trailers, especially for larger ones - up to 6 m long - is decisive for the choice of technology.
Harry Wijnvoord becomes our advertising partner
After a visit to the Caravan Salon Exhibition, Dutch showmaster Harry Wijnvoord was won over for a year as brand ambassador for the World of Motorbike (WOM) trailer, a fully hydraulically lowerable motorcycle transporter on which Wijnvoord carries a Fiat 500 behind his caravan.
Specialist dealer business doubled
STEMA is investing in new punching technology, the fully automatic Trumpf 5000 S12 processes large-format steel sheets with the highest accuracy and speed. Sales in the specialist retail product range doubled compared to 2013.
Establishment of the Trailer Industry Association
In Grand Detour, Illinois (USA), hört der Schmied John Deere von den Sorgen der Farmer, dass der schwere, klebrige Prärieboden an ihren eigentlich für den leichten, sandigen Boden im Osten der USA entwickelten Pflüge aus Gusseisen hängen bleibt. Daraufhin fertigt Deere aus einem schadhaften Sägeblatt eine Pflugschar aus hochpoliertem Stahl.
STEMA celebrates 65 years of trailer construction
Year after year, about 48,000 car trailers are produced and more than 35,000 trailer covers are manufactured. In appreciation of the long-term and sustainable business success of STEMA, as one of Grossenhain's largest employers, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce presented its certificate of honour to the Managing Director, Michael Jursch, on this day.
WOM-tastic on the go - a top drawer film!
STEMA’s lowerable WOM trailer presents itself in a completely new format. A top drawer film about the WOM was created with the 3D agency “StillinMotion”.
Worldwide novelty Red Snapper
Introduction of the "red snapper cruiser" brand - the clever combination package consists of a small compact boat and a multi-functional trailer. With this product, STEMA activates the new target group of fishermen and water sports enthusiasts.
Tilting via app
The first STEMA app is here! The hydraulically equipped dump trailers ROCKO & TRIUS, as well as the lowerable WOM can all be operated via Bluetooth.
Extremely Strong on the go
…is the STEMA champagne 2017. It is underpinned by the new 6-meter long trailers, the new BAUMA construction machinery transporter, and the redesigned three-sided dump trailer TRIUS.
STEMA has the widest product range in the area of motorcycle transporters
The manufacturer has seven MT series with more than 83 models in 9 weight classes. From 1 to 4 motorcycles, from small to large wallets, there is something for every biker here.
Introduction STEMA RETRO
The STEMA RETRO is an homage to our popular trailer model from days gone by: the STEMA HP. With its classic but still modern look it fits perfectly to your lifestyle. The trailer with lid offers a lot of storage space with its 720 liters of loading volume and at the same time the possibility to mount a railing as well as a bicycle rack. Put together your RETRO colors in our color configurator and choose your favorite from a total of 35,721 combinations. The combination possibilities are enormous!
The new STEMA S-BOX Cargo trailer
The new box trailer is a constructive new development with its own design language. Not only the 45° angled corners of the roof and wall profiles stand for the new design. All standard parts are made with highest precision of stainless steel. It is built to transport goods and technology safely under all circumstances, day and night.
A variety of trailers can be experienced online in 3D
In order to better support specialist dealers and customers in choosing the right trailer, STEMA Metalleichtbau GmbH is now presenting the first trailers in 3D on its website. A detailed, virtual, interactive 3D view not only visualizes the trailer optimally from all sides, but also shows functions in motion and additional equipment. With the resulting configuration, customers can conveniently order their STEMA trailer from specialist dealers.