Welcome to the STEMA team!
The new trainees are here.

This year too, STEMA Metallleichtbau GmbH enables young people to start their professional lives. A total of five trainees started their first year of training today.⁠ ⁠ We wish all of our trainees a great training time! ⁠

Would you like to become part of the STEMA team yourself? Then keep your eyes open on our homepage and on our social channels in the next few months. The advertisements for our STEMA trainee positions 2021 will go online soon.

  • Anja Wieduwilt
  • Personal / Ausbilderin
  • Riesaer Str. 50
  • 01558 Großenhain
  • 03522 309434
  • bewerbung@stema.de
  • Pressekontakt
  • Riesaer Straße 50
  • 01558 Großenhain
  • T +49 3522 30 94 61
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