Our responsibility
STEMA is a big family
STEMA Metalleichtbau GmbH employs about 150 people. They are our capital. It is the employees with their professional and personal competence whom we value. Although we are in the metal industry, 40 percent of your employees are women. STEMA is a big family - from putting together a program for our employees’ children on the “Open House Days” to our STEMA senior citizens, who still happily accept our invitations. Even today, multiple generations of one family often work together at STEMA. The longest period of employment of one of our workers is 46 years. Personal initiative, taking on responsibility, and personal development are important to us. We are currently training 14 apprentices in 11 different fields. Apprentices and students receive a comprehensive initial training and the chance to get to know the company and all of its processes.
Our region is important to us.
Supporting young people, especially in the area of sports, has been near and dear to STEMA since the beginning. That’s why we are a premium sponsor of the Grossenhain Soccer Club 1996 e.V. The partnership between STEMA and GSV is no coincidence, but rather a strategic “goal”. Volition, creativity, endurance and dependability are attributes that are not only important in sports, but also during an apprenticeship at STEMA. Moreover, with our engagement, we arouse interest in regionality. STEMA is a company that Saxons can be proud of. About 43,000 car trainers leave this place and are sent all over the globe every year. Furthermore, STEMA is active for: regional events, like the City Festival of Grossenhain, the Day of the Saxons, the Park Festival Zabeltitz, the German Speed Skating Championships in Grossenhain and the local handball club.
Officially certified - thanks to good management
For many years, STEMA has let itself be audited by independent, official bodies, such as DEKRA and the Crefo-Institut, with regard to quality management and its creditworthiness. Since March 2019, we can strengthen our customers’ trust in us even further. DEKRA has certified STEMA based on the DIN ISO 9001:2015 standards as well as the guidelines from the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA). This is how STEMA’s quality management system complies with the provisions of international and German traffic laws. In the fall of 2017, STEMA received once again the official Crefo Certificate Seal from Creditreform Dresden. With this, STEMA’s excellent creditworthiness is certified. The Crefo Certificate Seal stands for a company’s “stability and security” and is thus a positive signal for all business partners.

The future begins today - Sustainability
At STEMA, we pay attention not only to the quality, dependability, and durability of our products, but also to the production of trailers that abide by strict sustainability rules. That’s why we decided to become attached to the Dresden project “Ökoprofit”. The concept, originally developed in Austria, pursues the objective that the environment and the participating companies should profit from an environmental program. In the fiscal year 2016/17 alone, STEMA was able to save 150,000 kWh and thus a demonstrable 27,000 Euros by switching to LED technology alone. In 2018 we were able to pick up there and save an additional 60,000 kWh with further measures. Thus, a change in thinking in the direction of sustainability is truly worth it for both the company and even more importantly: FOR THE ENVIRONMENT.

Strong together
At the initiative of STEMA, all representatives of the trailer industry met for the first time in Dresden in 2015. This led to the founding of the Trailer Industry Association, which today actively represents the interests of the industry in political decision making. Topics include, for example, a simplification of driving license regulations or the creation of an interface between trailer and towing vehicle in the course of e-mobility.