You will save time and stay flexible with the WOM hydraulically lowerable trailer.

As a landscaper, do you still have time for yourself? Or do your customers expect you to work around the clock?

With the hydraulically lowerable trailer WOM, you save time and can stay flexible - for yourself and for your customers. The solution: lower the trailer, drive up, load & done!

The WOM is perfect for small vehicles & riding mowers or anything that can be comfortably loaded with a wheelbarrow. You don’t even need an additional person. That means independence. You are fast too, since the WOM is prepared for 100 km/h. You can equip it with many different accessories, like high covers, side walls, etc. - this makes you flexible for all kinds of cargo.

The WOM is your ideal partner in landscaping and gardening.

It is YOUR time.

  • Pressekontakt
  • Riesaer Straße 50
  • 01558 Großenhain
  • T +49 3522 30 94 61
Your specialist dealer